
Management Services

IntroductionActivitiesPeopleContact StrategyMarketingValueInnovationProject

Strategy Developments

A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal

The strategic decision is about choice and chosen outcomes.

In today's turbulent environment it is important to make the correct strategic choice whether in the Public or the Private sector.

A dynamic organisation also needs to review, monitor and develop its associated strategies to create competitive advantage. Hence, the rationale for strategic management.

The strategy adopted and implemented emerges from a combination of

organization structure

type of resources available

coupling with environment and the strategic objective being pursued.


Strategy is adaptable by nature rather than rigid set of instructions and can be emergent.

In some situations an external perspective can provide a reality check and also assist the team in its implementation


Client projects

Association for Consultancy and Engineering    

Working with central team to evolve forward strategic direction for their regional member associations. Developing activity and communication plans for coming year